Why is there "No Image"?
By default, Apploye takes 1 screenshot in every 10 minutes period (Owner/admin can change the rate of screenshots). Timing of the screenshot is totally random. It can take place any time in that 10 minute period. Reasons for no screenshot might be: The user stopped the desktop app suddenly: If the user stops the tracker/app before the screenshot is taken, screenshot will be missed (remain blank). If there are any interruptions occur during the running time, the syncing process can get dPopularHow does RemoteTrack panel work 🤔?
RemoteTrack feature allows you to monitor employees precisely. There are 4 critical components: Optional Screenshots, Apps usage tracking, URL tracking and Activity & Engagement Analytics 👌 To track and monitor the productivity of employees, access the RemoteTrack panel from the left sidebar: You can filter out by projects, tasks, employees and date. Click on the bPopularHow to delete screenshot?
To delete a screenshot, follow these steps: Click on RemoteTrack>Screenshots, from the left side panel. Just hover over the screenshot you want to delete. You will see a red delete button (you won't see this button, if Delete Screenshot settings is turned off by the owner/admin).Some readersWhat is the screenshot time interval for per screenshot?
By default, the screenshot time interval for Apploye is around 10 minutes. This screenshot will be taken away randomly, so the employee/user won’t find the exact time of capturing the screen while working. In 1 hour, there will be total 6 screenshots. On average, the screenshot Interval is going to be around 10 minutes. Due to the nature of random screenshots, the exact interval between 2 screenshots will vary. If the owner/admin has enabled the option for 2/3 screenshots in 10 minutSome readersWhere can I view the screenshot?
To view screenshot, you must ensure that your/your employee's timer (in desktop app) was running for at least 10 minutes. Now, go to our web app: Click on RemoteTrack>Screenshots, from the left side panel. You will be able to check screenshots by the employee/project/tasks/date. By default, today's screenshots of the user will be shown. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/Some readersActivity Tracking Overview (Screenshot, APPS, URL)
Activity tracking is one of the greatest thing happen to the industry of time tracking and by this way now owners can easily track their employees' real activity. The owner/admin can see what the employees are doing and where your team's productivity could be improved. You will get a clear view of employee performance, so that you can optimize for maximum efficiency of your team. On the RemoteTrack panel you will be able to see individual employees' activities such as screenshots, Apps usage anSome readersCan employees delete their screenshot?
For allowing transparency and creating efficient workplace, Apploye keeps employee privacy on an essential note. So, by default, employees can delete their screenshot if they find it necessary. However, Organization owner/admin can turn off "Allow users to delete screenshots" from SettingsActivity. In that case, Employees won't be able to delete their screenshots. To delete a screenshot, an employSome readersHow can I see multiple screenshots?
If Apploye is taking multiple screenshots, you can easily check how many screenshots are being taken in a 10-minutes timeframe or how many monitors are connected: To view all of the screenshots, simply Click on any screenshot (thumbnail) to gain access to the carousel/slideshow view: Click on theFew readers