How to find location ?
Field-track is an option to track your employees based on their GPS location. This is actually a mobile app feature, it requires smart phone to avail. Employee will download a mobile app for this. This feature is only available for RemoteTrack and Fieldtrack plan
1. First and fore-mostly you are required to go to the field-track panel from the dashboard.

2. Then you have to select specified project and specified member.

3. After selecting you will see a GPS based location if the employee keep the app open while going outside.

Note : It doesn't require any internet connection to track the location, but it just need to have internet to sync up the tracking data's on owner's webapp.
1. First and fore-mostly you are required to go to the field-track panel from the dashboard.

2. Then you have to select specified project and specified member.

3. After selecting you will see a GPS based location if the employee keep the app open while going outside.

Note : It doesn't require any internet connection to track the location, but it just need to have internet to sync up the tracking data's on owner's webapp.
Updated on: 13/01/2021
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